キーワード:incompatibility の検索結果
2021/03/19 09:30
ミーティングルーム H
Mechanism of self-incompatibility in Onoena
○池田 直樹1、中島 遼太1、尾西 晃一2、小倉 淳1,2、蔡 晃植1,2,3
○Naoki IKEDA1, Ryouta Nakajima1, Kouiti Onishi2, Atsushi Ogura1,2, Fang-sik Che1,2,3
1Graduate School of Bioscience, Nagahama Institute of Bio-Science and Technology, 2Bio-science, Nagahama Institute of Bio-Science and Technology, 3Genome Editing Research Institute, Nagahama Institute of Bio-Science and Technology
2021/03/21 10:00
ミーティングルーム C
Cellular dynamics upon cell fusion in the co-culture between compatible/incompatible strains in the industrial filamentous fungus Aspergillus oryzae
○Chan LU1, Noriko MORI1, Takuya KATAYAMA1,2, Ryota SAITO3, Kazuhiro IWASHITA3, Jun-ichi MARUYAMA1,2
1Dept. of Biotechnol., The Univ. of Tokyo, 2CRIIM, UTokyo, 3NRIB