キーワード:plant growth regulators の検索結果
2021/03/19 09:30
ミーティングルーム F
Search for plant growth regulation compounds from culture broth of Lepista sordida
○住田 真晟1、呉 静2、崔 宰熏1,2,3、伊藤 彰将3,4、平井 浩文1,2,3、河岸 洋和1,2,3
○Masaaki SUMIDA1, Jing WU2, Jae-Hoon CHOI1,2,3, Akinobu ITO3,4, Hirofumi HIRAI1,2,3, Hirokazu KAWAGISHI1,2,3
1Grad. Sch. of Inte. Sci. and Tech., Shizuoka Univ., 2RIGST, Shizuoka Univ., 3Grad. Sch. of Sci and Tech., 4Res. Fellow Jpn. Soc. Promo. Sci.