氏名:KojiUMEZAWA の検索結果 / 1 1 - 2 / 2 <<< 1 >>> / 1 1 - 2 / 2 <<< 1 >>> 3J04-03 2021/03/20 10:30 ミーティングルーム J Myogenetic oligodeoxynucleotide (myoDN) suppresses inhibit adipocyte differentiation ○Kamino MORIOKA1, Takakazu MITANI1, Koji UMEZAWA1,2, Takeshi SHIMOSATO1,2, Tomohide TAKAYA1,2 1Fac Agr, Shinshu Univ, 2IBS, Shinshu Univ 3J04-05 2021/03/20 10:30 ミーティングルーム J Myogenetic oligodeoxynucleotide (myoDN) suppresses proliferation and induces differentiation of vascular smooth muscle cells ○Mana MIYOSHI1, Yuma NIHASHI2, Koji UMEZAWA1,3, Takeshi SHIMOSATO1,2,3, Tomohide TAKAYA1,2,3 1Fac Agr, Shinshu Univ, 2Grad Sch Med Sci Tech, Shinshu Univ, 3IBS, Shinshu Univ / 1 1 - 2 / 2 <<< 1 >>> / 1 1 - 2 / 2 <<< 1 >>>