キーワード:Cross coupling の検索結果
2022/03/17 14:30
ミーティングルーム F
Violaceoid Dの全合成
Total Synthesis of Violaceoid D
○庄司 篤史1、荒井 佑香2、淺川 竜輝3、斉藤 竜男2、倉持 幸司3、矢島 新2
○Atsushi SHOJI1, Yuka ARAI2, Ryuki ASAKAWA3, Tatsuo SAITO2, Kouji KURAMOCHI3, Arata YAJIMA2
1Depurtment of Chemistry for Life Sciences and Agriculture, Graduate school of Life Sciences, Tokyo University of Agriculture, 2Depurtment of Chemistry for Life Sciences and Agriculture, Faculty of Life Sciences, Tokyo University of Agriculture, 3Faculty of Science and Technology, Tokyo University of Science