キーワード:co-cultivation の検索結果
2022/03/17 13:30
ミーティングルーム J
Attempt to elucidate the molecular mechanism of "fairy-rings" formation by co-cultivation of turfgrass and Lepista sordida
○鈴木 海斗1、住田 真晟1、崔 宰熏1,2,3、道羅 英夫3、平井 浩文1,2,3、河岸 洋和1,2,3
○Kaito SUZUKI1, Masaaki SUMIDA1, Jae-Hoon CHOI1,2,3, Hideo DOHRA3, Hirohumi HIRAI1,2,3, Hirokazu KAWAGISHI1,2,3
1Grad. Sch. Inte. Sci. Tech., Shizuoka University, 2Grad. Sch. Sci. Tech., Shizuoka University, 3Res. Inst. Green Sci. Tech., Shizuoka University