キーワード:Single-molecule imaging の検索結果
2023/03/15 11:00
ミーティングルーム I
Visualization analysis of signaling platforms in the inner leaflet of cell plasma membranes by single-molecule imaging and super-resolution microscopy
○森 俊貴1、廣澤 幸一朗2、笠井 倫志2、田口 友彦3、横田 康成4、鈴木 健一2
○Toshiki MORI1, Koichiro M. HIROSAWA2, Rinshi S. KASAI2, Tomohiko TAGUCHI3, Yasunari YOKOTA4, Kenichi G.N. SUZUKI2
1Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Gifu Univ., 2iGCORE, Gifu Univ., 3Graduate School of Life Sciences, Tohoku Univ., 4Faculty of Engineering, Gifu Univ.