キーワード:antagonistic effect の検索結果
2023/03/15 13:00
ミーティングルーム A
Identification of genes regulating the growth inhibition between colonies of the same strain in Aspergillus oryzae
○浜中 祐弥1、齋藤 直也1、片山 琢也1,2、黒田 裕樹3、丸山 潤一1,2
○Yuya HAMANAKA1, Naoya SAITO1, Takuya KATAYAMA1,2, Hiroki KURODA3, Jun-ichi MARUYAMA1,2
1Dept. of Biotechnol., The Univ. of Tokyo, 2CRIIM, The Univ. of Tokyo, 3Fac. of Environ. and Information Stds., Keio Univ.