講演番号:2E4a、分類:一般講演 の検索結果 / 1 1 - 12 / 12 <<< 1 >>> / 1 1 - 12 / 12 <<< 1 >>> 2E4a01 2024/03/25 09:30 E4 Preparation and degradability of novel cross-linked functional hydrogels from enzymatic synthesized α-1,3-glucan and its carboxymethyl derivative ○ZHENGYU SU1, HARUKA KINOSHITA1, YOICHI TAKEDA1, MAKOTO OGAITO2, MATSUI DAISUKE1, YOSUKE TOYOTAKE1, MAMORU WAKAYAMA1 1The Univ. of Ritsumeikan, 2Shimadzu Corporation 2E4a02 2024/03/25 09:41 E4 In vivo evolution of the Ralstonia sp. phosphite dehydrogenase (PtxD): isolation and biochemical characterization of the nitrate resistant PtxD ○Gamal Nasser Abdel-Hady1,2, Linh Thi Thuy Cao1, Takenori Ishida1, Takeshi Ikeda1, Hisakage Funabashi1, Akio Kuroda1, Ryuichi Hirota1 1Unit of Biotechnology, Division of Biological and Life Sciences, Graduate School of Integrated Sciences for Life, Hiroshima University, Hiroshima, Japan, 2Department of Genetics, Faculty of Agriculture, Minia University, Minia, Egypt 2E4a03 2024/03/25 09:52 E4 構造生物電気化学的手法による膜結合型フルクトース脱水素酵素の反応機構解明 Structural and bioelectrochemical elucidation for the mechanisms of membrane-bound fructose dehydrogenase ○府川 江央留、宋和 慶盛、北隅 優希、白井 理 ○Eole FUKAWA, Keisei SOWA, Yuki KITAZUMI, Osamu SHIRAI 京大院農 Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto Univ. 2E4a04 2024/03/25 10:03 E4 新規PET分解酵素の同定と表面特徴量解析を用いた酵素改変 Identification of novel PET-degrading enzymes and enzyme engineering using surface feature analysis ○馬橋 英章1、平井 洵1、桜井 滋1、井手 圭吾1、小川 雅人1、細川 正人1,2、津田 宗一郎1 ○Hideaki MABASHI1, Makoto HIRAI1, Shigeru SAKURAI1, Keigo IDE1, Masato KOGAWA1, Masahito HOSOKAWA1,2, Soichiro TSUDA1 1bitBiome株式会社、2早大院・先進理工 1bitBiome, Inc., 2Grad. Sch. Adv. Sci. Eng., Waseda Univ. 2E4a05 2024/03/25 10:14 E4 コケ由来ペルオキシダーゼPrx34のTPXフィルム培養による生産 Production of moss-derived peroxidase Prx34 by TPX film culture 伊藤 健司1,3、日下志 和也1、○中 雄輝1、秋田 求2,3 Kenji Ito1,3, Kazuya Higashi1, ○Yuki Naka1, Motomu Akita2,3 1近畿大院生物理工、2近畿大生物理工、3株式会社セルフィルム研究所 1Grad. BOST., Kindai Univ., 2Fac. BOST., Kindai Univ., 3Cell Film Lab. CO., LTD 2E4a06 2024/03/25 10:33 E4 Norovirus-based platform for modular displaying of antigenic protein candidates for mosquito-borne infectious diseases ○Jirayu Boonyakida, Enoch Y. Park Res. Inst. Green Sci. Technol., Shizuoka Univ., Japan 2E4a07 2024/03/25 10:44 E4 Envelope Domain III (EDIII) displaying Dengue virus-like particle: A tetravalent Virus Like Particle (VLP) using silkworm expression system ○Krishna Raja MUTHURAMAN1, Jirayu BOONYAKIDA2, Enoch Y. PARK1,2 1Grad. Sch. Sci. Technol., Shizuoka Univ., Japan, 2Res. Inst. Green Sci. Technol., Shizuoka Univ., Japan 2E4a08 2024/03/25 10:55 E4 耐熱性ヘリカーゼと耐熱性鎖置換型DNAポリメラーゼを用いた等温核酸増幅法 Isothermal DNA Amplification by Thermostable Helicase and Thermostable Strand-Displacing DNA Polymerase. ○村上 雄人1、生田 宗一郎1,2、柳原 格3、保川 清4、藤原 伸介1,2 ○Yuto Murakami1, Soichiro Ikuta1,2, Itaru Yanagihara3, Kiyoshi Yasukawa4, Shinsuke Fujiwara1,2 1関西学院大学大学院理工学研究科生命科学専攻、2関西学院大学生命環境学部、3大阪母子医療センター、4京都大学大学院農学研究科 1Department of Bioscience, Graduate School of Science and Technology, Kwansei-Gakuin university, 2Department of Biosciences, School of Biological and Environmental Sciences, Kwansei-Gakuin University, 3Osaka Women’s and Children’s Hospital, 4Division of Food Science and Biotechnology, Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University 2E4a09 2024/03/25 11:06 E4 キメラDNAポリメラーゼを用いた鎖置換活性に影響を与える領域の特定 Estimation of regions affecting strand displacement activity using chimeric DNA polymerases ○西 晃輝1、生田 宗一郎1、柳原 格2、保川 清3、藤原 伸介1 ○Koki NISHI1, Souitiro IKUTA1, Itaru YANAGIHARA2, Kiyoshi YASUKAWA3, Shinsuke FUJIWARA1 1関学理工、2大阪母子医療センター、3京大院農 1KWANSEI GAKUIN Univ., 2Osaka Women's and Children's Hospital, 3Kyoto Univ. 2E4a10 2024/03/25 11:17 E4 アミノ酸配列及び部位特異的変異を用いたPseudomonas sp. WU-001 由来アコニット酸イソメラーゼの活性に必須なアミノ酸残基の特定 Identification of Amino Acid Residues Essential for Aconitate Isomerase Activity Derived from Pseudomonas sp. WU-001 Based on the Conserved Amino Acid Sequence and Site-directed Mutagenesis ○小林 万稀1、石井 義孝2、桐村 光太郎1,2 ○Maki KOBAYASHI1, Yoshitaka ISHII2, Kohtaro KIRIMURA1,2 1早大院先進理工、2早大理工総研 1Grad. Sch. Adv. Sci. Eng., Waseda Univ., 2Res. Inst. Sci. Eng., Waseda Univ. 2E4a11 2024/03/25 11:36 E4 低温菌シンプル酵素触媒における熱処理の影響 Effects of heat treatment on the psychrophile-based simple biocatalyst ○田島 誉久、穴田 康太、緋田 安希子、加藤 純一 ○Takahisa TAJIMA, Kota ANADA, Akiko HIDA, Junichi KATO 広島大院統合生命 Gra. Sch. Integr. Sci. Life, Hiroshima Univ. 2E4a12 2024/03/25 11:47 E4 Enzymatic synthesis of non-natural plasmalogen by improving solubility of Streptomyces antibioticus derived phospholipase D in recombinant E. coli ○Shamoli Akter1, Riko Yamaguchi2, Aki Kanehama3, Takahiro Iwamoto2, Meme Hasegawa3, Akeno Ito2, Megumi Nishimukai1,3, Miwa Yamada1,3, Akiko Kashiwagi1,2 1UGAS, Iwate University, 2Hirosaki University, 3Faculty of Agriculture, Iwate University / 1 1 - 12 / 12 <<< 1 >>> / 1 1 - 12 / 12 <<< 1 >>>