日本農芸化学会 2024年度大会プログラム検索

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大会プログラム集・大会講演要旨集[PDF]の変更 (更新:4/24)
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キーワード:capsular polysaccharide の検索結果

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2024/03/26 09:30
A gene cluster coding for multiple predicted glycosyl transferases is involved in the biogenesis of extracellular membrane vesicles of Shewanella vesiculosa HM13
○Mengshan Zhu, Jun KAWAMOTO, Takuya OGAWA, Tatsuo KURIHARA
Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University
2024/03/26 09:52
X-ray crystallographic analysis of a major cargo protein of extracellular membrane vesicles of a hypervesiculating bacterium, Shewallena vesiculosa HM13
○Yuanzheng YANG1, Jun KAWAMOTO1, Takuya OGAWA1, Kimihiko MIZUTANI2, Bunzo MIKAMI3,4, Tatsuo KURIHARA1
1Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University, 2Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University, 3Research Institute for Sustainable Humanosphere, Kyoto University, 4Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University
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