キーワード:hydroponics の検索結果 / 1 1 - 2 / 2 <<< 1 >>> / 1 1 - 2 / 2 <<< 1 >>> 3C1p06 2024/03/26 14:53 C1 Generation of disease-suppressive soil capable of inhibiting the growth of Ralstonia solanacearum and Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis by immobilizing multiple-parallel-mineralization microorganisms ○Meeboon Jamjan1, Akinori Ando2,3, Jun Ogawa2,3, Kenji Miyamoto4, Yasuo Kato5, Makoto Shinohara1 1NARO, 2Div. Appl. Life Sci., Grad. Sch. Agric., Kyoto Univ., 3Res. Unit Physiol. Chem. Kyoto Univ., 4Dept. Biosci. Inform., Keio Univ., 5Biotech. Res. Cent., Toyama Pref. Univ. 3D4p06 2024/03/26 14:53 D4 ゲノム編集作物開発に有用な多重ゲノム編集用プラスミドセットと簡便高密度水耕栽培法 A simple set of plasmids for multiple genome editing and a method for high-density crop hydroponics in a plant incubator ○黒田 昌治、パク ヒョンジュン、及川 鉄男 ○Masaharu Kuroda, Hyungjun Park, Tetsuo Oikawa 農研機構生物研 NARO Inst. Agrobiol. Sci. / 1 1 - 2 / 2 <<< 1 >>> / 1 1 - 2 / 2 <<< 1 >>>