氏名:MakotoShinohara の検索結果 / 1 1 - 2 / 2 <<< 1 >>> / 1 1 - 2 / 2 <<< 1 >>> 3C1p06 2024/03/26 14:53 C1 Generation of disease-suppressive soil capable of inhibiting the growth of Ralstonia solanacearum and Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis by immobilizing multiple-parallel-mineralization microorganisms ○Meeboon Jamjan1, Akinori Ando2,3, Jun Ogawa2,3, Kenji Miyamoto4, Yasuo Kato5, Makoto Shinohara1 1NARO, 2Div. Appl. Life Sci., Grad. Sch. Agric., Kyoto Univ., 3Res. Unit Physiol. Chem. Kyoto Univ., 4Dept. Biosci. Inform., Keio Univ., 5Biotech. Res. Cent., Toyama Pref. Univ. 3C1p07 2024/03/26 15:04 C1 月面での食料生産を想定した無機肥料製造法の検討 Examining inorganic fertilizer production methods assuming food production on the moon ○中島 英理夏、篠原 信、田中 章浩 ○Erika Nakashima, Makoto Shinohara, Akihiro Tanaka 農研機構 NARO / 1 1 - 2 / 2 <<< 1 >>> / 1 1 - 2 / 2 <<< 1 >>>