キーワード:Aspergillus fumigatus の検索結果
2025/03/08 14:15
ボリコナゾール耐性を有するAspergillus fumigatus隠蔽種の標的遺伝子(cyp51A)の耐性機構に関する遺伝子工学的による検証
Genetic engineering approach to reveal the mechanisms of voriconazole resistance in cyp51A, gene encoding its target enzyme, derived from resistant strain belonging to cryptic species of Aspergillus fumigatus
○吉岡 育哲1,2、曹 偉3、矢口 貴志1
○Isato YOSHIOKA1,2, Wei CAO3, Takashi YAGUCHI1
1Medical Mycology Reserch Center, Chiba Univ., 2Inst. Sci. Eng., Waseda Univ., 3Sch. Adv. Sci. Eng, Waseda Univ.