日本農芸化学会 2025年度大会プログラム検索

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キーワード:organic acid の検索結果

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2025/03/05 14:15
ピルビン酸添加によるAcidithiobacillus ferroxidansの増殖促進
Pyruvate facilitates the growth of Acidithiobacillus ferroxidans under weakly acidic to neutral conditions
○宇野 裕基、高妻 篤史、渡邉 一哉
○Yuki UNO, Atsushi KOUZUMA, Kazuya WATANABE
Tokyo Univ. Pharm. Life Sci.
2025/03/05 13:15
Chemical and functional characterization of water kefir produced from Deep Ocean Water
○ji yeon Lee1, Hayeong Kim2, Tae-hui Yang Yang3, Dong Hyun Kang4, Doman Kim5
1College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Seoul National University, 2Institutes of Green Bioscience and Technology, Seoul National University, 3Goseong Deep Sea Water Industry Foundation, 4Department of Food and Animal Biotechnology, Department of Agricultural Biotechnology, Center for Food and Bioconvergence, and Research Institute for Agricultural and Life Sciences, Seoul National University, 5Graduate School of International Agricultural Technology, Seoul National University
2025/03/07 13:15
A plant growth inhibitory factor accumulated in the culture solution of an elemental soil microbial consortia
○野崎 守1,2、野村 泰治2、宇部 尚樹2、安藤 晃規3,4、宮本 憲二5、小川 順3,4、篠原 信1、加藤 康夫2
○Mamoru NOZAKI1,2, Taiji NOMURA2, Naoki UBE2, Akinori ANDO3,4, Kenji MIYAMOTO5, Jun OGAWA3,4, Makoto SHINOHARA1, Yasuo KATO2
1NARO, 2Biotechnol. Res. Cent., Toyama Pref. Univ., 3Div. Appl. Life Sci., Grad. Sch. Agric., Kyoto Univ., 4Res. Unit Physiol. Chem. Kyoto Univ., 5Dept. Biosci. Inform., Keio Univ.
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