日本農芸化学会 2025年度大会プログラム検索

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氏名:HarukaNakanishi の検索結果

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2025/03/07 14:15
Antigen-specific stimulation affects the induction and function of regulatory T cell in food allergy
○星野 友宏1、芝原 恭子1、中西 春霞1、西辻 幸介1、馬場 淑代1、曽我 皓平1、八村 敏志1、足立(中嶋) はるよ1,2
○Tomohiro Hoshino1, Kyoko Shibahara1, Haruka Nakanishi1, Kosuke Nishistuji1, Yoshiyo Bamba1, Kohei Soga1, Satoshi Hachimura1, Haruyo NAKAJIMA-ADACHI1,2
1Research Center for Food Safety, Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The University of Tokyo (Res. Cent. Food Safety, Univ. Tokyo), 2Department of Immunobiology and Biofunctional Research, Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The University of Tokyo
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