日本農芸化学会 2025年度大会プログラム検索

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氏名:SatoshiHarashima の検索結果

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2025/03/08 13:15
Bacillus thuringiensis由来新規Parasporin-3様タンパク質の同定と細胞損傷活性の評価
Identification of a novel parasporin-3-like protein from Bacillus thuringiensis and evaluation of its cytocidal activity
齋藤 浩之4、永渕 奈乃花3、那須 勇太1、阿部 雄一1,2、北田 栄5、原島 俊1,2、○浴野 圭輔1,2
Hiroyuki Saitoh4, Nanoka Nagafuchi3, Yuta Nasu1, Yuichi Abe1,2, Sakae Kitada5, Satoshi Harashima1,2, ○Keisuke Ekino1,2
1Grad. Sch. of Eng., Sojo Univ., 2Dept. of Biotechnol. and Biosci., Sojo Univ., 3Dept. of Applied Microbial Technol., Sojo Univ., 4Biotechnol. and Food Res. Inst., Fukuoka Industrial Technol. Center, 5Grad. Sch. of Comp. Sci. and Syst. Eng., Kyushu Inst. of Technol.
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