4D064 2025/03/07 14:15 一般講演 ポスター・展示会場 食物アレルギー性小腸炎モデルマウスにおける腸管免疫系T細胞とその機能に対する腸内細菌の影響 Effects of gut microbiota on T cells of the intestinal immune system and their functions in a mouse model of food allergic enteritis ○馬場 淑代1西辻 幸介1星野 友宏1吉田 有佐1礒垣 遼1角田 茂1,2松岡 周二3八村 敏志1足立(中嶋) はるよ1,4○Yoshiyo BAMBA1 Kosuke NISHITSUJI1 Tomohiro HOSHINO1 Arisa YOSHIDA1 Ryou ISOGAKI1 Shigeru KAKUTA1,2 Shuji MATSUOKA3 Satoshi HACHIMURA1 Haruyo NAKAJIMA-ADACHI1,4 1東大院農生科・食の安全研究セ、2東大院農生科・実験動物学、3順天堂大院医・免疫診断学講座、4東大院農生科・免疫生体機能社会連携講座 1Research Center for Food Safety, Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The University of Tokyo (Res. Cent. Food Safety, Univ. Tokyo), 2Laboratory of Biomedical Science, Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The University of Tokyo, 3Department of Immunological Diagnosis, Graduate School of Medicine, Juntendo University, 4Department of Immunobiology and Biofunctional Research, Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The University of Tokyo intestinal inflammation / food allergy / regulatory T cell